Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just Everyday Nonsense.

Could someone please explain to me when children starting getting out of hand. I was at the mall and this little boy, couldn't be older then 6, was running around everywhere. He was trying to knock off a toy his dad had given him and crawling on everything. Then all of a sudden the kid takes off running down the mall and the dad finally got up and went after him, didn't faze the kid one bit. Children have lost their manners and respect for adults. It is quite sad. What happen to disciplining the children. I'm not talking about beating their kids to the point of child abuse and being hateful, but I am talking about being firm with them, not letting them walk all over you. People act like they are afraid of their children and they are afraid to tell their children no. I promise parents the children may complain and whine when you say no, but they will not turn into a monster and take your soul. It's crazy the way children act now a days. There is nothing wrong in discipline when done correctly. And no I don't mean child abuse (yes, I know I have repeated myself, but I want to make this very clear). I think there is a line between discipline and child abuse. Can discipline lead to child abuse? Yes, but that is where the parents need self control and need patience. Enough of this topic rant.

Well the rain was completely ridiculous this past Tuesday. Hermine definitely took a toll on Texas. Completely crazy.
This was a picture taken on my way to school. 

Football starts tonight. Minnesota Vikings vs. New Orleans Saints.

Well until the next post I'll leave you with a few words.
“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people to get what they want.”
- Zig Ziglar (:

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